New Orleans Premises Liability Attorney
Over $1 Billion Recovered for Accident Victims. We are proud to have a reputation for aggressively fighting for the rights of injured victims.
Types Of Premises Liability Accidents
At Lambert Zainey, we represent clients injured in a variety of premises liability claims arising from:
Some of the serious injuries that can be sustained in a premises accident include:
These are the kinds of injuries that can turn a person’s life upside down. A victim may be unable to return to work, unable to enjoy the things they did before the accident and require costly, long-term medical care.
Lambert Zainey has obtained recoveries from a long list of maritime companies, including some of the biggest names in the industry.
Legal Options For Victims Of Premises Liability Accidents
State law gives the victims of premises liability accidents the right to seek compensation for the losses they experience due to their accident injuries. But they only have a limited time in which to act. The sooner they seek qualified legal representation, the more likely they are to obtain the full compensation they deserve.
Let Lambert Zainey Smith & Soso help you explore your legal options after a premise liability accident. We’re here to provide clients with experienced representation at every step of the legal process, from gathering evidence to proving negligence and representing their interests in court.
We understand the complexities of premises liability cases. There can be many negligent parties besides property owners, including property management companies, property tenants, sub-contractors, and the manufacturers of defective products or equipment. For instance, if your injuries were caused by a defective product, you may be able to seek compensation from the product’s manufacturer in addition to the property owner.
Over $1 Billion Recovered for Maritime Accident Victims
Oil storage tank rupture at the Murphy Oil USA refinery in Chalmette, LA. The fastest class certification and resolution of a case of its type and magnitude to date.
Arco cryogenic platform explosion caused by improper cold cut of Southern Natural Gas pipeline. Settlement for the injured and deceased in approximately twelve months.
Speak With a New Orleans Premises Liability Lawyer Today
With almost 50 years of experience and a profound dedication to advocating for our clients, Lambert Zainey Smith & Soso is the trusted choice for personal injury claims in New Orleans. Our team of skilled attorneys has successfully represented victims injured in a variety of premises liability cases. In our five decades of service, we’ve secured over a billion dollars in cash settlements for our clients.
Pursuing a premise liability claim can be daunting, especially if you aren’t familiar with Louisiana state law. Let Lambert Zainey handle the legal chores while you focus on recovering from your injuries. Contact us today to schedule a free consultation with a New Orleans premises liability lawyer.
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