Environmental Litigation

Over $1 Billion Recovered for Accident Victims. We are proud to have a reputation for aggressively fighting for the rights of injured workers.

Effects of Environmental Contamination

Even though there are numerous state and federal environmental laws, businesses in Louisiana still continue to pollute and contaminate our state’s air, soil, and water with their chemical waste. In some instances, this pollution is the result of negligence, such as a lack of proper repair or maintenance; in others, it’s a deliberate move to keep business costs down.

Louisiana Environmental Litigation

Whatever the reasons, the effects of pollution and contamination on the surrounding environment and the people who live and work in it can be devastating. In addition to property damage, environmental contamination can cause many health problems, including but not limited to:

  • Cancer
  • Nerve damage
  • Heart disease
  • Birth defects
  • Asthma and other respiratory disease

Personal injury and property damage aren’t the only fallout that can result from a company’s unsafe waste disposal practices. The economies of whole towns can be affected when waste contaminates their water supply. Oil and other chemical spills into the state’s rivers, lakes, bayous, and coastal waters can have a negative effect on workers in the tourism and fishing industries.

Common Causes Of Soil And Water Contamination In Louisiana

As a major player in the agricultural, oil and gas, and chemical processing and refining industries, pollution and the effects of air and water contamination are a particular problem in the state of Louisiana. These are some of the toxic materials that often contaminate soil and water in Louisiana:

Smoke Stacks Against Blue Sky
PFOS (Perfluorooctane Sulfanate Acid)

Several studies link exposure to high levels of PFOS to cancer as well as developmental and reproductive health problems.

Electric Towers during Golden Hour
PFOA (Perfluorooctanoic Acid)

PFOA has similar effects to PFOS. Both can be a health problem when they contaminate drinking water.

Brown and White Factory Building during Night Time
MTBE (Methyl-tertiary-butyl Ether)

MTBE is a gasoline additive. When it leaks into sources of drinking water, it can cause all kinds of health problems, including damage to the kidney, liver, and nervous system. It’s also been linked to cancer in lab animals.

Brown and White Factory Building during Night Time

Creosote, a chemical concoction used to preserve wood, was banned in 2005. A number of the state’s most toxic waste sites are those that have been contaminated by high concentrations of creosote. Exposure to creosote can result in serious health problems, ranging from damage to the skin and eyes all the way to unconsciousness and even death.

Companies We’ve Fought Against

Lambert Zainey has obtained recoveries from a long list of maritime companies, including some of the biggest names in the industry.

Get Help From Experienced New Orleans Environmental Lawyers

If you have experienced property damage or personal injury as a result of agricultural or industrial pollution or contamination, you have a right to seek compensation from the responsible parties. Depending on the circumstances, you may be able to recover compensation for a wide range of damages, including:

  • Current and ongoing medical expenses 
  • Clean up and restoration costs
  • Repair costs
  • Reduced value of your property
  • Lost revenue

The law firm of Lambert Zainey Smith & Soso is here to protect your rights. We’ve represented clients all over the state of Louisiana and throughout the United States who have suffered financial and personal losses because of an individual or business’s irresponsible environmental actions. We’re not afraid of a fight and have prevailed against some of the biggest corporations in the world.

If you require legal assistance with an environmental contamination lawsuit, reach out to Lambert Zainey Smith & Soso without delay. You can contact us through our website, or call us at (800) 521-1750 to schedule a free initial consultation to speak with an experienced Louisiana environmental litigation attorney about your case.

Why Choose Lambert Zainey Smith & Soso For Environmental Litigation?

The vast array of federal and state environmental laws, regulations, and statutes can be a challenge for New Orleans environmental lawyers who are unfamiliar with these types of cases. In addition, it may be difficult to determine who is responsible for the pollution that contaminated your property. In many instances, several parties may share responsibility.

In order to get the total compensation to which you are owed, it’s important to have a lawyer with extensive knowledge and expertise in environmental law to represent your claim.

If the contamination is caused by a large corporation, as is often the case, you need a law firm with not only the experience and skill to navigate these cases, but also the resources required to lead a fight against such a company.

Lambert Zainey Smith & Soso has successfully handled a wide range of environmental pollution claims involving:

  • Wastewater discharges and other water pollution
  • PFOS (Perfluorooctane Sulfanate Acid) claims
  • Air pollution
  • Leaking landfills
  • Soil contamination
  • Lead contamination
  • Toxic emissions
  • Leaking storage tanks
  • PFOA (Perfluorooctanoic Acid) claims
  • Abandoned industrial sites
  • Oil and toxic chemical leaks and spills
  • Pesticide or chemical fertilizer runoff
  • Groundwater contamination
  • Laboratory or medical waste
  • MTBE (Methyl-tertiary-butyl Ether) claims
  • Flooding and drainage
  • Point-source, nonpoint-source, and transboundary water contamination

New Orleans Environmental Lawyers With Four Decades Of Experience

Lambert Zainey Smith & Soso is headquartered in New Orleans and has more than four decades of experience in the area of environmental litigation. We possess the skills and resources to:

  • Skillfully represent you in court
  • Thoroughly investigate your claim
  • Assign a dollar value to your damages
  • Gather the necessary evidence to prove your claim
  • Determine what laws and regulations have been violated
  • Effectively negotiate on your behalf with the negligent party and their insurance company
Environmental Lawyers
case results

Over $1 Billion Recovered for Maritime Accident Victims

Murphy Oil Spill

Oil storage tank rupture at the Murphy Oil USA refinery in Chalmette, LA. The fastest class certification and resolution of a case of its type and magnitude to date.

ARCO Explosion

Arco cryogenic platform explosion caused by improper cold cut of Southern Natural Gas pipeline. Settlement for the injured and deceased in approximately twelve months.

Talk To Our New Orleans Environmental Lawyers

Our New Orleans environmental lawyers have secured a number of impressive victories, including a more than $1 billion settlement for homeowners whose homes were contaminated by improperly manufactured drywall and a $330 million settlement for an oil spill at a Murphy Oil USA refinery in Chalmette, LA.

Whether you have developed a health problem, have experienced property damage, or loss of value as a result of soil or water contamination, Lambert Zainey Smith & Soso are here to see you get the justice you deserve. 

We handle environmental litigation on a contingency basis, which means there are no up front fees for us to fight for your right to compensation. We get paid only if we recover compensation for you. Contact us through our website, or call us at (800) 521-1750 to learn more about your rights when it comes to environmental litigation.

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Our experienced attorneys are here to guide you through every step of the process, from initial consultation to settlement or trial.

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