Case Results

Murphy Oil Spill
Oil storage tank rupture at the Murphy Oil USA refinery in Chalmette, LA following the levee breaches during Hurricane Katrina.
$330,000,000.00 settlement and is the fastest class certification and resolution of a case of its type and magnitude to date.
The Murphy Oil spill in Chalmette, LA resulted from a storage tank rupture at the Murphy Oil USA refinery following levee breaches during Hurricane Katrina. US District Judge Eldon Fallon appointed Hugh Lambert to the Plaintiffs Steering Committee to represent the interests of all those affected by the oil contamination that spread through much of the area surrounding the Chalmette refinery. Hugh Lambert was instrumental in determining the cause of the rupture that led to the spill and proving the extend of hydrocarbon contamination in the surrounding area, which ultimately provided cash buyouts to property owners in the worst areas and cleanup costs for those in areas that could be remediated.
Our experienced attorneys are here to guide you through every step of the process, from initial consultation to settlement or trial.
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