Case Results

Chinese Drywall
Drywall imported from China off-gassed sulfurous compounds that ultimately destroyed homes by corroding wiring, HVAC units, plumbing, appliances and other fixtures.
After several successful trials, settlement by all but one defendant manufacturer and total damages of over $1,100,000,000.00 in value to homeowners.
In the aftermath of several devastating hurricanes in the mid-2000s, the United States Southeast experienced a shortage in drywall, which was filled when suppliers and builders purchased drywall manufactured in China. Unfortunately, much of the drywall manufactured in China contained excess sulfur compounds which were then emitted into homes after being installed, corroding electrical wiring, appliances, plumbing and other fixtures. Hugh Lambert, on the heels of an extremely successful resolution in the Murphy Oil Spill, was once again appointed to a Plaintiffs Steering Committee to help lead the litigation against the two Chinese manufacturers, Knauf and Taishan, as well as the multitude of builders, suppliers, distributors and brokers responsible for introducing the Chinese drywall into so many homes. Lambert Zainey was instrumental in helping to prove that homes contaminated with Chinese drywall required full “down to the studs” remediation to ensure that no lingering electrical, plumbing, or other latent hazards remained from the sulfidation of homes’ metallic components.
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