Each year, thousands of people are injured in accidents in Louisiana. Bone fractures, traumatic brain injuries, spinal cord injuries, and burns are just a few of the injuries suffered as a result of an accident that was caused by someone else’s negligence.

These types of injuries require immediate medical treatment. Many require ongoing medical treatment as well. They can be so severe that the victim may be unable to return to work for an extended period of time following the accident. In some cases, they may never be able to return to work at all.
Medical Expenses After An Accident Can Be Overwhelming
The costs of all this medical care can overwhelm many victims. If they don’t have insurance, they could be on the hook for thousands in medical expenses. Even if they do have insurance, their policies may only cover a portion of the total bill.
Medical expenses resulting from accident injuries in Louisiana often include:
Seeking Compensation For Your Medical Expenses After An Accident
What do you do if you’ve been injured in an accident in Louisiana and are unable to pay your medical bills and other expenses? If your accident was caused by the negligent actions of a person or business, you may be able to seek compensation by filing a claim with the at-fault party’s insurance company.
In order to recover this compensation, you’ll have to be able to show that:
Unfortunately, filing a claim and recovering the compensation you need to pay for your accident-related expenses are two completely different things. The at-fault party’s insurance is going to try and get away with paying as little as possible for your claim. Their offers rarely cover the total costs of your injuries.
A Personal Injury Attorney Can Help You Recover The Total Compensation You Are Due For Your Accident-Related Medical Expenses
Most people in your position hire a New Orleans personal injury attorney to represent their rights and interests during the insurance claim process. A personal injury attorney can assist you in many ways after an accident, including working to reduce or eliminate your medical bills.
Your attorney will be able to gather the evidence (police reports, eyewitness accounts, medical records, expert testimony, etc.) needed to support your claim. They’ll be able to help you identify your losses and assign an accurate dollar value that fully compensates you for your accident-related damages. Finally, they’ll negotiate with the insurance company to recover the total compensation you are owed for your injuries and represent you in court if negotiations fail.
Other Ways An Attorney Can Help Reduce Your Medical Bills After an Accident
There are other ways an attorney can help to reduce your medical bills after an accident. They can review your bills for errors or overcharges, negotiate with healthcare providers to reduce your bills, remove any wrongfully filed liens, and help you find doctors, labs, and care facilities that charge fees that fit your budget.
If the at-fault party was uninsured or underinsured at the time of the accident, your attorney can investigate to see if a third-party, such as a state road crew or the manufacturer of a defective part, shared liability for your accident.
Take Action Now — Contact Lambert, Zainey, Smith and Soso
New Orleans personal injury law firm Lambert, Zainey, Smith and Soso has been protecting the rights of individuals injured in a wide range of accidents since 1977. Our areas of practice include maritime law, car and big truck accidents, product liability, environmental and industrial litigation, and wrongful death. Our team of experienced attorneys has recovered over a billion dollars in settlements for our clients.
You can contact us through our website or call (800) 521-1750 to schedule a free initial consultation with a leading Louisiana accident injury lawyer. Don’t delay! The state of Louisiana has strict statutes of limitation laws. In most cases, you only have a year from the date of your accident in which to file a claim. If you wait too long, the courts may refuse to hear your case.